Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

I want to wish all of you a Happy Halloween!!!

This was the first year in about 6 years that I decided to dress up. Then I had to try to figure out what to dress up as. After a lot of thinking I came up with Penelope Garcia I have always loved her style!! I like the bright colors and her fashion.
I think I pretty much nailed the look!!!

I even took a cute picture with my niece!!
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Birthday Project

This year for my birthday I wanted to do something different. I wanted to give back instead of getting. I told Brian about this Facebook site called The Birthday Project and said I wanted to do 28 Random acts of kindness for the 28 years I have been alive.

I started off making up a list and getting all my supplies ready to do my RAOK projects. Then I decided that I would spread this out over a week because if I were trying to do it all on my birthday I would not be able to do it all on my own. So we started the Saturday before my Birthday.

  1. Send coupons to over sea solder families. They can use coupons that are 6 months expired. It is a wonderful place to donated to for more information go to Coupon donation


  1. Give the mailman a thank you candy bar.

     3. Leave change in a vending machines. This one was fun!!  When I walked back by someone already used it so I put more up.


  1. Leave a gift for our server.


  1. Leave diapers and wipes in a changing station. I did this at the changing station in a outlet mall. I hope whoever found this enjoyed it!


  1. Smile at everyone and give out complements. This one made me feel great about myself because everyone smiled back.


  1. Take coloring books and colors to waiting room of the houspital. I took these things in and the nurse at the nurse's station was happy to let me put these things out for the kids!


  1. Made banana bread for a few friends. They were happy to get these.


  1. Leave a box of sidewalk chalk at the local playground.


  1. Tape lotto tickets to gas pumps that say it’s your lucky day. I wonder if they won anything off it.


  1. Tape lotto tickets to the inside of a bathroom stall that say it’s your lucky day.


  1. Put quarters in toy machines. I seen a lot of kids walk by and get toys out of them they were all smiling and it made me so happy to see.


  1. Hold the door for everyone I see.


  1. Tape happy signs to bathroom mirrors.


  1. Sent a birthday card and gift to an Internet friend.


  1. Leave an extra big tip for our server.


  1. Returned all the carts in the wal-mart parking lot. This one I about didn't do because it was raining out but I did it because I said I was going to so I did.


  1. Leave pennies at the local playground for kids to find.


  1. Left bubbles with notes for the kids who find them.


  1. Leave coupons on items at the grocery store. I liked the idea of this because it is always nice to save a little money when you can.


  1. Sent a card to someone I haven’t seen in a long time. I forgot how nice it feels to write a letter to a friend the old fashion way.


  1. Put change in every charity bottle I seen.


  1. Picked up trash wherever we went.


  1. Pay a strangers tab at a restaurant. This one was fun to do but the waitress didn't know what to think at first but she was so happy to deliver our message to the little family that we paid for.


  1. Tuck happy notes in windshields of cars in a parking lot.


  1. Opened the phone book and mailed a card to someone I randomly picked.


  1. Leave a thing of laundry soap and quarters at a laundry mat.
   28. Put change in Automatic riding machines. I knew this one would bring joy to a lot of kids.
This made me think of how luck I am to be able to do this. What if BIRTHDAYS became less about getting stuff, getting attention, and getting older and more about MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE?
I will be doing this again next year. I don't even think I will wait until my next birthday to do some more Random Acts of Kindness.


Monday, October 15, 2012

National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.

October 15 is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. A day when across blogs and facebook and twitter and support groups, friends and family are paying remembrance to the children who have changed their lives.

Some honor their losses through a balloon release, others lighting candles, others a trip to the cemetery, and others still with a simple picture and a prayer whispered to the wind. Some visit the place where ashes have been spread, some pay tribute in places where a tree has been planted– a living tribute to a child who is not.

One in four women have endured a miscarriage. which means it's still a pretty common occurrence.

Today is the day we remember. Today we recognize the pain, the love, the anguish that so many have felt so much. Today we raise awareness.

Today we remember our four little ones that we lost to early. We lit a candle and said a little prayer.

My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Color Run

It is coming upon our 3 year wedding anniversary and we wanted to do something fun and different that we have never done together. I had a few friends run the Color Run 5k in Minnesota this summer so we decided that would be something fun we could do together. So we signed up and yesterday was the day.

We got up to a cold yet sunny day. With it being so cold we had to add a few layers but we still had fun. We got there about 11:30 and stayed in the car until 12:15 and then we decided to brave the cold and go get in line. We were about in the middle of the pack so we had to wait longer.

Once we got started we were getting passed left and right. We had already decide that we were going to walk/jog the whole way because we are not runners. We came up to the first color station and I didn't get my mouth closed all the way so I got some in my mouth and it was like eating chalk! We finished and we had such a blast!! My parents came to watch us and take a few pictures. I am glad they came I know a 5k is no big deal but it was nice that they came and supported us.

After the race we went to the car and pretty much stripped down and changed into other clothes. My running clothes were not as dirty as Brian's but I think that is because we stayed close when we walked and they mostly aimed at him when we went into the color station. When we changed and finally got out of the parking lot after about 45 minutes we headed for Jethro's (BBQ place) It was some yummy food and we were both so hungry because we didn't eat anything since before we left the house at 9.

                                                   Here are a few pictures from the race.
Me ready to go!! I added gloves and a scarf for the race.

Brian doing a little dance to keep warm.

Ready to go.

Here we are at about the finish line. Not a great pic but it shows how colorful Brian is compared to me.

I would half to say this is by far one of the funnest things we have done for our anniversary. If you ever get the chance to do the Color run I say DO IT!!!