Monday, October 21, 2013

29 Random acts of Kindness

This year once again for my birthday I wanted to do 29 random acts of kindness (RAOK) one for each year I have been alive. This year was a little different because I got up thinking I was going to all of my RAOK all in one day. This changed for me after I went to the Dr. for my regular OB check up and I got my flu shot and did my glucose test and I started to feel like poo. I spread it out over a few days because I was feeling so yucky. So here is my list and a few pictures of my acts. I really liked doing this every year and will keep it up for as long as I can.

My motto for the weekend was: It's better to give than to receive.

1. Drop off coloring books and colors at the Dr. office waiting room. ( This one was easy because I was already going to the Dr.)

2. Left a bag of goodies on a bench at the mall for some lucky person to find. (It had 3 bath and body works lotions, 2 mud mask, and a $5 dollar bill)

3. Left a few packages of bubbles at the park for kids to find. ( I left them at the apartment park and seen a few of the kids playing with them when they got off the school bus)

4. Sent a few letters to friends the old fashion way.

5. Made encouraging signs and hung them up for people to take what they need.

6. Left money at the soda machine telling them that the next soda is on me.

7. Stick you are beautiful signs in bathrooms all over town.

8. Left encouraging signs on random cars.

9. Left coupons taped to items that way others could save money.

10. Left a few packages of wipes, diapers, lotion, and hand sanitizer at baby changing stations in the target bathroom.

11. Put quarters in gumball and toy machines. ( I loved doing this one because I was never allowed to get that sort of stuff when I was little but now I can make that happen for a few children.)

12. Left a big tip for the waiter when we went for my birthday dinner. ( My dad came up and took me to lunch so he paid for my lunch but I still left a big tip)

13. I left the waitress a special treat ( I left her a Yankee candle that was one of my favorite scents)

14. Pay for another couples meal. ( This is one of my favorites on my list)

15. Left pennies heads up in random places that way when people would stop and pick it up they would have good luck the rest of the day :)

16. Went to the Dollar Tree and left a few dollars in random toys.

17. Passed on all my pregnancy books to a friend who just found out she is newly pregnant. ( I also bought a pregnancy journal for her so she can remember all the sweet memories she is making)

18. Paid for the person in line behind me in the drive thru.

19. I gave my extra Joann's coupon to the lady behind me in line. (She was very happy because she only had 2 items and she used 2 coupons and saved $16)

20. Took carts back to the store. (Don't mind my hair it was super windy that day)

21. Now that I live in a bigger city with a lot more traffic I was a very friendly driver. I let people in font of me, I didn’t get mad when people cut me off, and I waved at a few drivers when we are the stop lights. This always made the other drivers smile.

22. Bought a few lottery tickets and left them with notes telling people to have a nice/luck day.

23. Donated a bunch of food to the food bank.

24. Took out the trash for my husband. (This one was special because I HATE to take out the trash)

25. Was kind to everyone I met today.

26. Bought a candy bar for the check out lady at Target and the lady was so happy she said that she had never had anyone do that for her before!

27. Let someone take my parking spot at the Dr. office and I parked further away.

28. Sent out a gas card and money to a friend who has a sick child and goes to the Dr. a lot. ( I know this will help them out quite a bit)

29. Collected box tops for education for a local school.

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Please post in the comments section if you have done a random act of kindness lately.

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